Noo World Order


A Cognitive-Imaginative "Simulation" about a Humane Future,
which begins in a Presence – and postulates Implementation!

by J Michael Heynen

I. Introduction

First: 'Noo' comes from the Greek Noos / Nous and refers to "the human ability to grasp something spiritually, and the instance in the human being that is responsible for recognizing and thinking, i.e. spirit, intellect, mind, reason, also the divine World reason… (Wikipedia).At the same time, 'Noos' indicates the new age of humanity following the Anthropocene: the Noocene! While in the Anthropocene people had more or less control over the geosphere and biosphere of the planet, in the Noocene they begin to (re)connect with the noosphere. In doing so, life is spiritualized and spirit is vitalized; human action ultimately follows the individual self, thus from insight and knowledge, from feeling and understanding, from reason and spirit. It is possible - under the supremacy of Noos - to achieve harmonizing equilibration by controlling life processes in all spheres of human consciousness and being.

The transition into the new era, the Noocene, was marked by crises and suffering, but at the same time it was facilitated by the following sublime realization: de-individualization and extensive economization and monetization (materialism), infantilization and (self-)incapacitation, egomaniacal projections and egocentric formal rituals, disinformation and nihilistic misuse of power have irreversibly decoupled political representation and governing as well as large parts of the economy from people and societies. Politically - and also economically - presumptuous "background powers" left behind emptiness on all levels and ultimately a historically unique vacuum in terms of legitimacy and trust.

The public space thus also became a space for the emptying of humanity. The so-called "politics" and their "elites" finally paralyzed themselves and "accomplished" the finale of their, above all, systemic incompetence and satanic heresies. The resulting multiple system failures - continued losses of peace and freedom, violence and wars, bankruptcy and impoverishment - shaped the experiences of the so-called "last generation" in the Anthropocene and led to the insight-driven statement in the transition: by humans for humans!

In the transition to the Noocene, the following is already happening: people from regional and global inter-societal units come together to, beyond their cooperation in crisis management, discuss a charter for a truly new, a Noocene world order. The only requirement was that this type of representative fulfilled the following central characteristics: individuality - i.e. not a system agent of traditional, typical conformity -, then mastery of principal, transpersonal inner / outer leadership competence and integrity, creative-cognitive, i.e. spirit-guided capacity, insightful mind, and understanding their societies, then above all joy in the creative interweaving of spirit and life, of humans and societies!The representatives of this kind come together and discuss the first draft of a so-called 'Noo World Order', which deliberately avoids legal complexity and focuses pnprinciples and paradigmatic maximes:

II. Noo World Order - Charter [ First Draft ]


We, the representatives of respective societies, come together out of our own free will to discuss the charter of a real, new world order, a 'Noo World Order'. We put the following in front:

We are all part of creation as a space of free will; our free, co-creative development is based on the creation's legality. In accordance with the measure and center of this law, we as the learning human part of this space strive in open, not only horizontal, but above all vertical interaction to understand creation and its source codes to the best of our abilities and, through vivification of 'Nous' / spirit, to return to the universal development process (emanation). To do this, we connect back to the noosphere: generated as a spiritual intermediate level of human capacity and selectively specified in respective phases of civilization.

Today, at the beginning of the Noocene, through the reconnection with the Noosphere we have overcome the purely existential human phase of the Anthropocene integrating all the magnificent, at the same time one-sided technical and material advances. We have individually transpersonalized ourselves and in societal discourses we decided for pure leadership based on spirit and reason, insight and knowledge.

Accordingly, inner and outer knowledge justify our intention to present the normative principles of humane civilization in the following charter. We do this independently and with the pure goal of conviction and inspiration, but at the same time without any mission, i.e. non-religious / non-ideological. Our initiative serves individuals and societies to facilitate their peaceful, creative, and free development, adequately to vary in their respective cultures and to cooperate multilaterally for the joy of shaping a humane future.

With this in mind, we recommend the following maxims to critical, constructive-creative world discourses:

§ 1 Human and Creation

The human is born in a space of free will (planet earth / universe). As such, the human has rights and obligations that are derived from the universal law of creation and are to be applied in legal equality. The human's free, and especially fear-free, existence deserves the highest level of protection; his physical identity is the first condition of his metaphysical determination and development.

§ 2 Development and Fulfillment

To incarnate as a human essence as a decisive part of creation means to understand life as an opportunity and potential, to learn from the external, physical reality and to determine the individual, inner, metaphysical reality. This is the principle meaning of life, to develop the individual Self in a way that is appropriate to creation and therefore humane, and to create an emancipating life from it - as the basis of humanity.

This also includes the derived pursuit of happiness as an important part of human salvation generated from the fulfillment of transcending consciousness and mind. Because the human individual - a highly privileged subject in the universe - has the unique capacity to determine life from spirit and to form the conditions of existence from this. A human is a thinking and perceiving subject in one, if it is wanted.

§ 3 Will and Imagination

Every human is a co-creative part of creation. Only as a freely developing individual and with guidance derived form the Self he can develop autonomous will and unlimited imagination. For further creative development, he can connect with all humanly available spheres - vertical (metaphysical) as well as horizontal (physical), i.e. with the noosphere, biosphere and geosphere, etc. The transpersonal human being (Self connected) facilitating the process of equilibration (here: balancing the validity of the spheres) anticipates the intellectual normativity of the noosphere (suprematism) for the implementation of appropriate life development. Because free consciousness determines being

§ 4 Determination and Discourse

What the individual human being as a thinker determines as the absolute - and the absolute only exists in the "inner temple" of the individual self - he, as a communicating subject, carries into the relativity of external reality. In connection with other humans, the individual positions are correlated and decided on in a prioritized manner. In teleological discourses groups, societies, and their alliances can arise from this. This process of dialogic objectification serves to create meaning and truth, to form wills and decisions, and to balance interests and conflicts in a transformative manner.

§ 5 Internal and External Leadership

The individual human being - from the emancipating and free transcendent development out of the Self - masters inner leadership confidently: from spirit and feeling – backed by universal law of thought – he has the full capacity to develop reason, logic, insight, and knowledge. So the human, deductively anticipating the general, is part of the whole in order to concretize himself in practical reason; his balancing connection with all humanly accessible spheres ensures him the substantial perception as well as love for humans and that way also the ability for external leadership. This excludes personal ego power and is mainly characterized by transpersonal comprehensive responsibility, integrity and truthfulness, inspiring creativity, persuasiveness, and holistic civility.

§ 6 Society and Contract

On the basis of transpersonal, cultural identity, a general will is established to form a society (first regionally) in order to organize coexistence and synergy under appropriate ideas and visions and to shape the future from this spirit. The respective individuals and groups constitute a free civil society and decide on a contract (similar to a constitution) in order to provisionally establish the conditions and structures of coexistence and to standardize the necessary organizational mechanisms. There is agreement in advance in unrestricted voluntary membership and in the maximum fulfillment of the Categorical Imperative (Immanuel Kant).

Procedures are regularly established to update the decision-making process in a timely manner. The same applies to the introduction of coordinating administrative structures in the so-called public space, as - in historical comparison - previous states or intergovernmental structures and functions had set up. In this context, the establishment of respective interstate / statehood is only recommended if it is possible to develop efficient procedures to exclude regularly recurring alienation from the decision-making process of society and to guarantee this in the long term.

§ 7 SocietyWorld and Cultures

Analogous to the individual, the most important foundation of a society and a societal contract lies in the spirit and development of its culture. The breadth and depth of this term - culture - reflects the historicity and creative vitality of a society. Freedom and non-violence (including psychologically mediated) are central elements and characteristics. This applies overall to internal and external societal relationships.

The specifically human quality lies primarily in their connection to other human individuals. The same applies to the learning and supporting bonds between societies. This is based on the realization that their relationships are guided neither by (qualitative) equality nor by superiority. Despite all the necessary (formal) legal equality, the respective cultural differences are not only respected, but are also seen as a decisive potential for corresponding development.

In every type of inter-societal communication, different speeds and cultural qualities of development are perceived and integrated in a complementaryly completing manner. In any case, the common maxim that must firstly to be identified is adherence to the universal law of creation and thought as a central principle of respective, mutual cooperation. In this way, cultures become the carrier of a society and at the same time a driving force for a societies' world that carries the code for the constitution of a world society, a humane civilization

§ 8 Society State and Governing

The contractually constituted society (usually regionally first) is made up of individuals and groups who syndicate their basic self-governing and bring it into collaboration. This means that the single individual self-governing is delegated to the level of government. This authorization applies to a kind of governing that relates exclusively to the moderation and implementing coordination of the respective free formation of societal will.

In this way, intellectual and societal connectedness establishes the form and function of a society state (regional or inter-regional), in which political power is based exclusively on comprehensive legitimacy of governing. The legitimacy of government is to be understood not only as a quantitative derivation of individual will, but especially as qualified in strict accordance with reason.

The free and humane society state essentially depends on: contract / constitution, individual decision-making, legitimacy. Equally constitutive for the functioning of the society state is the personal and professional development of its actors / representatives in accordance with reason and responsibility (to perceive as a kind of elite based on excellence). Above all, the representatives are fully transpersonally developed, but at the same time the diversity of their continuous quality and development lies in their exemplary individuality.

In forming the society state - governing as the syndication of self-governing - various reasons can lead to the fact that the full participation of all members has to be foregone. Because the highest possible, responsible quality of the function of the society state cannot be jeopardized or hindered. For this purpose, specific procedures of specific delegation mechanisms must be developed in order to ensure long-term distributive justice "in the space of free will". In particular, the high demands on the human development capacities of the society-state ("being and becoming") must be met and the different potentials must be promoted and combined constructively and creatively.

§ 9 Economy and Sociality

A free, humane society is not determined by the economy and its expansion, but by the rational fulfillment of existentially necessary conditions. It is not 'having', but 'being' derived from consciousness that shapes economic and social conditions.

The free individual disposes of property according to his performance capacity. At the same time, parts of this property are subject to social participation compensation or an appropriate social bond for civil society development in accordance with the measure of reason. The market of a free society also functions classically according to supply and demand, production and consumption. This cycle is competitive and cooperative and, above all, as a constantly corresponding qualitative growth movement to be correlated with the meaning and benefits of societal development goals.

For this purpose, the classic free, social market economy must be further qualified in the sense of reason and societal exchange between members of society. Free science and research must be directly linked with cultural and economic societal processes. The same applies to the areas of health and media etc.

In any case, the top priority is to balance individual self-determination and societal development in a targeted, complementary manner and to be negotiated and decided in a corresponding balance of interests.

§ 10 Human World and Future

After individuals, groups, and individual societies have overcome the one-sided domination of the geosphere and biosphere (Anthropocene) and decided to enter the new age, the Noocene, we recognize the particularly responsible challenge for the future in the equilibrated relationship between leadership from spirit / reason and the conditions of matter: the balancing development and sustainable implementation of a so-called noosystem.

This noosystemic, i.e. the vertical balancing of spheres (noosphere / geosphere and biosphere) as well as the simultaneous horizontal balancing (individual / society), is also successful in an "institutionalized" long-term manner when integrity, transpersonally developed individuals and representatives (in / between the societies) ensure the best possible decisions or their optimizing further development in constant, free discourse.

The mastery of consciousness and real processes equilibration is understood as a constant, future-oriented transition / transformation process for the spiritualization of life and the enlivening of spirit. In this way, a humane world is formed in the long term and, in particular, the determining power of its vertical further development of human civilization is guaranteed. In this way, the human world is opened up to its fulfillment as a connected societies' world.

§ 11 Transitional Regulation

In the transition to the full validity of the Noocene, traditional statehood must be comprehensively and finally tailored to humans. I.e. state sovereignty and legitimacy of governing must be re-substantiated and fed back as a temporarily empowered / authorized act of individual / societal and associated self-governing (see above).

For societies that constitute themselves individually and freely, this means reactivating the generally valid constitutions according to their spirit and thereby revitalizing the form of statehood that has factually been left degenerated. Depending on cultural and societal developments, changes and additions following from the societal discourses are to be decided and approved provisionally (regular revision).

In this process, the cultural-historical and legal achievements of human rights and the so-called 'free-democratic basic order' (fdbo) are to be understood as pre-state noumenal normativity and based on this in correlation with the universal legality of thought and reason. From this - to the extent necessary and reasonable - the legitimizing justification for statehood can be derived as limited, entrusted substitute action from individually connected self-governing. - The spirit-derived substance of individual consciousness determines the form of being and its free, appropriate implementation, especially as governing.

The noospherically reconnected and noosystemically organized society-state according to a free human world strives to organize the maximum necessity of its existence for an introductory phase and then it reduces itself to a minimum or dissolves itself in the measure of fulfilling the Categorical Imperative. This should also apply to the political spheres of power in the whole free, connected societies' world and ultimately to the humane civilization of a global society.

III. From A-Posteriori to A-Priori

While the consultations continue in order to create a sustainable, humane normativity in which all individual world cultures, including historical ones, recognize themselves as represented, the following realization prevails among most participants: Why did we have to go through all these terrible and humanly unworthy experiences in order to be able to perceive and understand the other one as a true human being?! How could we become so far removed from Self and our multiple genius capacities?! Today we are wiser... and today, the now is timeless when spirit is brought to life and life is spiritualized... "and anyone can do that if wanted!" (Kierkegaard: "The Eternal Power of Self")

Most of the participants in this type of 'Noo World Order Council' provide mentally comprehensive forgiveness and achieve a stage of real transformation: In the especially noumenal normativity of the above draft charter, on the one hand, the historicity of humanity was understood, on the other hand, at the same time, a humane and sustainable civility is being established. The human self is the supreme authority, first and foremost bound by universal law and legitimation. The purely quantitative legitimation of egocentric statehood is irreversibly overcome by the qualitative legitimation through valid reason and the universal laws of thought, which equilibrates anthropology with cosmology - of course not as theology, but as evolutionary, human teleology.

Not the personal ego or the state superego, but the individual transpersonal Self becomes the supreme determining, at the same time communicative and participatory, shaping power of the public space in order to moderate societal will and coordinate its implementation: for a free and peaceful, further developing humane civility and future of an adequte civilization.

© J Michael Heynen, Baden-Baden, 22.11.2023

Nomoi Institute  |  IRC International Relations Council

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