NooPolitan [NooPolis] describes an individual-human and societal, cosmopolitan and post-national, noumenal and conceptual framework focusing on crisis and future transitional | transformational NooCene Humanities Development by NooSphere Reconnection and NooSystemic Governance | Regime Creation:


'NooPolitan' - as a first approach - can be defined as a society or inter- | societal unit being based on

  • the human Self guided individuality and transpersonality

  • the reconnection with the noosphere and the syndication of all spheres incl. bio- and geosphere

  • the integration and the equilibration of all disponible spheres under noospheric guidance for

  • the development of a noosystem (spheres syndication | equilibration) for the metaphysical legitimation of governance | governing and any kind of societal interaction

  • reason and universal law of thougts (means esp.: non-ideological | non-religious | secular) deducted foundation of noosystemic governance and inter- | societal as well as state's constitutional functions

  • the transformational generation of humane adequate leadership and regimes of representation founding and constituting metapolitical organizations, institutions for heterarchical metagovernance with equivalent sovereignty

  • a meta-constitutional order of normativity for a metagovernance policy regime as a supreme system with the highest level of codified aegis and multidimensional determination

  • structures, forms, types of political meta-power creation by self-referencing generation, self-ruling, and self-parameterization of determining principles, objectives, and social conditions

  • metapolicy regimes, claiming to ultimate authority and comprehensive legitimacy with the corresponding accountability for metagoverning / metapolitical governing

  • opening up to a humane future by managing the noosystemic transition from the anthropocene to the Noocene ...


  • NooSystemic fusion of the eligible, interdependent, and subsidiary governance policies of networked entities as individual, autonomous societal organizations, institutions, states, etc.

  • transpersonal concertation and transsystemic synthesis of constitutional rationales and noumenal mindsets for generating metapolitical concordance and normativity

  • transcendent universalization and unification of guiding principles, constitutional norms, and social contract standards in accordance with the laws of thought / principles of cognition noospherically deducted

  • heterarchical policy dialogue, mediation, and coordination of the strategic, determinative interagency consortia's and network-systems' relationships

  • transformative synthetization of the decisive micro-polities, political / social systems, regulatory frameworks, hybrid legal and juridical orders ...


NooPolitan and NooSystem development - indications for future governing - . . .

  • provides and contributes a substantial framework to the world formula of future governing as self-governing and global governance as metagovernance for manifesting a post-Westphalian co-creative culture and [political] order of humanity's coexistential development and interconnectivity enhancement

  • frames and structures the cognitive metaphysics, the metamorphosing sublimity, the substantial power legitimization, and the concordance processing of the dynamic equilibrium between universal spirit / mind and real world self-governing, based on the transpersonal individuality of the human and societal self, its meta-codification and manifestation

  • claims the self-referential supremacy of normativity and normative primacy of metaconstitutionalism, creates ethical /social competence and procedural guidelines for micro-political self-governing and the codes of conduct for the coordination management of collaborative policy network relationships

  • introduces and obtains a cosmopolitan metaconstitutionalism for the transitional and transformative innovation of evolutionary self-/ governing as inclusive coordinating policy guidance and management of complexity, multiplicity, and diversity, dynamically facilitating and ensuring the interior / exterior connectivity with meta-political definition, identification, and manifestation processes

  • incorporates the regulatory triptych of polity generation: constitution-building, generating the substantial content of prescriptive constitutional norms, and institutional architecture structuring beyond the traditional matrix of ego-, states-centrism, nations, and state-based international system

  • restrains and replaces the outgrown states-/ government-centric, paternalistic authority / sovereignty as well as the egocentrically projecting personalism of masses by transforming the constitutional state as currently exclusive or predominant authority in decline and central paradigm / form of supranational systems and global order, facing anarchic disruption and erosion

  • systematizes the reason of institutional order as an expression of the social contract and societal will in accordance to / concordance with the common, synthesized, and universalized principles, guiding values and paradigms forming a kind of "eternity guarantee": legitimacy, accountability, transparency, integrity, consensual authority acknowledgement of cognitional enhancement and transcending wisdom for humane self-governing and coordinating meta-governing

  • substantiates and justifies the de-personalization and self-referential legitimization for its own reason and authority of meta-normativity by generating the determination processing of meta-power and by operating as legislative meta-order and executive metagovernor, as entire meta-"codificator" of the substantial vision, the will, and the interests of actors also in accordance to the structural methods and form of metagovernance

  • syndicates the paradigms and principles of multiple micro-policy generation primarily as cognitive-creative and meta-connective coherence processing, as higher frequent, normative, hybrid facilitation by synoptically transcending values, norms, rules, ethics etc. including cultural particulars and also humans' adequate social, societal, and emotional demands [non-ideological, non-religious]

  • enables polycentric governance codification and metapolitical agenda-setting in dynamic procedures of concertation, unification of diverse, multiple, interdependent, and mutual complimentary, a/symmetric networks of micropolities in a heterarchical and dialogic approach by ultimately prevailing transpersonal and transsystemic authority / sovereignty and by constraining / rejecting egocentricity and inadequate micropolitical supremacy

  • creates the multistakeholders' engagement / settings and manages the polycentric coordination and syndication of processes which are open to anyone and/or any interdependent entity coming in and fully participating the discourses, referring to an individual, group, or organization that has a direct or indirect interest of societal relevance: these may be businesses, civil society, governments, states, interstate / intergovernmental institutions, and non-governmental organizations

  • enhances real democracy by increasing proactive, co-creative, and effective participation of those autonomous individual and societal subjects being most impacted by decisions, being directly engaged in working with and among people, and/or being strategically involved in interdependent network relations with relevant interests and goals [any position of formalized power doesn't matter]

  • closes the lack of adequate consideration and political institutionalization of human factors, values, and humanities, caused by a largely non-standardized globalization and the methods, procedures, and bureaucratizing techniques of global governance, which in fact neglected any maxim / paradigm of ruling the supremacy of human transpersonal individuality, humane identity, and social justice

  • creates the equivalent public sphere for exterior policy implementation of the interior determination / inner guidance of transpersonal individuals and adequate societal / transsocietal self-governing, particularly its ruling competence for constructive future planning and the identifying foundation of metagoverning multiple networks and multilateral relationships

  • provides the networked societies' accountable, multilevel self-governing polity/policy generation achieving the multiplicity of collective and asymmetric dynamics and challenges of governability by mediating, building, steering, and heterarchically processing the intersection of three types of determinative relationships and discourse dynamics: authoritative, strategically competitive, or dialogic

  • associates and synthesizes individual and transpersonal, societal, and transsocietal autonomous value spheres of dignity, practices, experiences, know-how, needs, objectives, motivations, morals, rationals, mindsets, worldviews, structures, characteristics, and the dynamic actualization processes of changing paradigms, based on the human progressing self-/ consciousness especially about societal, political-organizational development, the elevating emotional and cognitive-spiritual intelligence, and human self-empowerment by further transcendence and connectivity enhancement

  • enhances the policy generating, ruling, and reigning competence and legitimization processes by reinventing forms of institutionalizing heterarchical power organization, based on the integral, inclusive, and convergent coordination and syndication of multiple realms, levels, lines, scales, and relationships of societal and transitional governmental stakeholders' systemic networks

  • dissolves the "agency dilemma" of principal-agent problems by determining coordinational leadership skills: acting as a principal the metagovernor is highly qualified in providing a neutral, self-referential, self-reflecting, and transpersonal authority, cognitive independence, social sensitivity, interactive dynamic and sovereignty, proactively collaborating and balancing, priotizing, and inspirational visionary stimulation capacity by navigating and facilitating heterarchical collaboration, consensual and transformational decision-leading concertation for coherent and efficient syndication, manifestation, and implementation …

© J Michael Heynen | Nomoi Institute


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