I    A fundamental crisis development can be recognized in regional and global societal systems. Also timely to percieve the causes of this multi faceted development is a central prerequisite for achieving and determining a humane civilizational future. Then crisis resolution and future generation coincide and interweave determining the governance process.

II   The central cause of this structural crisis - and its solution - can be seen primarily in the fact that, upon reaching the Anthropocene, humanity has become one-sidedly focused on mastering the geosphere and biosphere and synchronically has/is been largely decoupled by itself from the noosphere as a source of spirit, sense, and legitimacy. This purely self-referencing, system-immanent control of just substructural spheres results in decline and paralysis: The civilization is already in present danger to separate itself from human/e future development, even if the technical-material function and form currently implies a kind of future ("transhumanism").

III   This systemic crisis is an indicator of extensive finalization, at the same time a catalyst for the development of evolutionary potentials through transition and transformation in the way of proactive reconnection / merging with the noosphere (syndication) and the balancing generation of noosystems (equilibration): the enlivenment of spirit and spiritualization of life!

IV   On the basis of comprehensive disposition and determination from the human individual self, reconnection, cognitively guided and intelligent communication and crisis management as well as shaping the future can be synchronized. This transformational achievement of humans starts with the dynamization of the transition into the Noocene: critical thinking - taking universal laws of thought in account - and a developing consciousness in accordance with the metaphysics of reason replace empty, overcome, and unsuccessful designs of political ideologies and afterlife religions. In this way, the individual can finally begin to fulfill himself as a sovereign subject in accordance with the creation idea of 'human being' - born into a space of free will - and redeem himself from it: to materialize spirit, to spiritualize matter!

V   The founder of the  Noumena Cultures Council, J Michael Heynen, has therefore chosen the fields of Humanities and Cultural Diplomacy also with an interdisciplinary approach as the basis for inspiration, initiation, and cooperative project facilitation, since only humane, individual creativity reveals and emancipates the governance processes for substantial crisis resolution and legitimation of future mind creation in a sustainable manner. The transpersonal potentials of cultured humans are most likely neither used up nor used to their maximum and are the basis of their existential and qualitative inner and outer leadership. Evolution and refinement begin "in the head" through feeling and thinking, timelessly and at any time, even in the now, in which the yet pubescent mankind determines his further humane civilizational development and the actual future starts.


For further reading and reflection, please go to


Quantum Leap into a Humane Future: Reconnecting with the Noosphere and Entering the Noocene


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